Welcome to Warhead Battlefield! A Team Fortress Classic/Half life 1 styled game. This game is in a very very early stage of development and I am currently working on other projects, so i will most likely not work much on this anymore.

The game is extremely buggy and has alot of messy code too. I am working on a Quake in unity game, and i am a much better programmer now after learning and working on other things. I will most likely make a gamemode in my Quake in Unity game thats alot like this game so stay tuned for that sometime!

The game is extremly buggy and non functional most of the time.

Move: WASD
Shoot: Lmouse
Reload: R
Change weapon: Number keys (Will add scrollwheel)
Jump: Spacebar
Run: shift
Look around: Mouse
Leaderboard: Tab

If you get stuck or cant get back to the map, press U to take manual damage.

Development log


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